Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Again it was a busy week for me. I would love to write the summaries of the practice right after, but never get to it...untill now.

Last week Agos and Ana joined the crowd, fresh and sunloved from Argentina, what a contrast to Boris, Barbie and me, all white and quiet.

We started with warming up our feet, flesh and bone, articulations as well as sensorially using each others' backs as an alternative to the surface of the floor.
I introduced the viewpoints work to Ana and Agos, who haven't been there in the previous sessions, using again simple exercises to bring the group together, waking up awareness of the energy that we all create together in the space. This time I put more focus on architecture and topography. How does the concrete space (solid mass, texture, colours, lightening) and the objects in it inform our movement? Enjoying building relationships with the floor, pilars ect.. It's nice to fall in love with a brick wall for a while (that's my story). Then we moved on to focus on time, doing the same exercise I have done previously with Boris on linear time. It was great to do the same thing in trios, having the possiblity to not only focus on your actions related to time but also to the others, sharing space and time. And as we were four, one person got to watch. Being more people can really be a treat.

After lunch we warmed up working with a limited movement vocabulary on the grid to juggle with more viewpoints, like duration, repetition, tempo, kinesthetic awareness... to add music to the impros a little later. Music is really an exciting ingredient, it can be overriding, dictating but also like another dancer. Music as someone else's interpretation of time.
The last hour and a half we made pieces, mostly trios, with a spectator adding music to the composition. Music proved to be a very strong frame that embraces all of the actions that are happening, providing a context and therefor meaning. We thought it would be really great to achieve that without this frame.
Really nice work. Looking forward for more. I'm happy the group is taking the dive with me.

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