Thursday, June 4, 2009

Danscentrum Jette Wk2 - solo time

Solos- Listening/Sound: solo for a blind spectator. Experimentation with sounds/text only. No judgement, doing and witnessing.
> Placing the voice in space. Working on the relationship between the spaces established in the beginning and what happens in those spaces later in the piece.
> Talking in 2nd/3rd person - to distance ourselves a bit from the action or emotion. To be freer. To use more general words or concepts so that the public can enter and make their own story, with more scope for imagination. We also did this exercise with the spectator's eyes open. How does it change when you are watched?
> Adding more movement to the stories.

Disassociation of words: squeeze partner's hand, they have to produce a word immediately. Try not to have words in a row that are related to each other- it's difficult!

Solos: throughout the week working 7-12,16mins generally. Not setting a time limit, but the length was fairly regular by itself. Topics: talking "normally", 2nd & 3rd person, awareness & inclusion of audience, varying tones of voice, where is my attention, characters, cohesive stories, chapters, noticing habits...

How to sustain a longer solo?
- repetition of movt/text/sound
-recontextualising movt/text/sound, specifically with space/time/place eg. 1945, summer, the street
- following attention really helps
- drastic change of dynamic/movt quality can shift the piece in a new direction, give energy
- creating characters and/or story

to be continued with Michel tomorrow in Belgica...

1 comment:

Kristian Larsen said...

Hi I'm a friend of Susanne's. This site looks good and I'm really interested in what you all as a group come up with in your investigations.

Kristian Larsen