Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Last sessions-BARBARA

Wednesday 18-03-09 La Raffinerie

We start with a warm up with the idea of functions but we follow to one person in his/her function
Someone call and functions and becomes the leader, everyone follow that person with the same function (if someone choose mirror, everybody will do mirror so copy her/his movements in space)

After we try then idea of improvising with functions but more open. There was no order and no function determined from before to enter the space and the composition begins. This was part of the warm up, when to choose for the correct moment to introduce a function. Each one could explore by themselves the right moment to call to a function and if doing it alone in relation to others or/and if join to the material of someone else.
Again: mirror, elaboration, source and filter. We took the others as inspiration to our own dance.
This works well and better than the last time when we couldn’t keep open the structure but still keep an eye on functions.

We finished this work doing long compositions. Altogether.
In the afternoon we did some more pieces with same concept trying into duos, trios and quartet.

Wednesday 25-03-09 La Raffinerie

We did a warm up with the idea of TIME. We take the awareness and perception to the action of dancing and observing while dancing WHEN we do movements, I propose three situations to work practically on the idea of TIME:
-Movements before another dancer
-Movements together with another dancer
-Movements after another dancer.
We experiment this idea altogether in space

Then I mention the idea to work dancing together or not dancing together in space,
how this could be?

We use the total space and then we took a part of it, in between four columns and we talk about the diverse fronts in order to work with the idea of three dimensionality, space and volume towards what is being produced.
We did some compositions afterwards with the same idea of TIME including the possibility to work in Past-Present-Future related to our actions and movements while being alone or with the group.
We try out also to be aware of the piece that was being created and how we can work with the same idea in relation to the piece from the beginning of it.
We choose a clear beginning, starting from out from space at the back of the stage, not entering from the audience.

Wednesday 1-04-09 La Raffinerie

We warm up with eyes close for 20 minutes when the dancers were encouraged to listen- observe and perceive the feelings of the physical state today. Not to change just to observe and go deep into it.
Not to put attention to create but just to let the body talk from the inner body.
Connecting after a while with the lights/sounds coming from outside and with eventual meetings with the limits of space or a non intentional cross with another dancer.

Once we open eyes we did an exercise from last work we learned about viewpoints. Starting together moving, walking on total space, increasing speed, arriving to maximum speed and the coming back to minimum speed, pretending being together all the time. Practicing being together.

We work again on the idea of TIME, how long take our actions? When we decide to be together, to be after or to be with another dancer.

We did pieces first again in reduce space and then in total space.